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Logistics Consulting Partners

Logistics Consultants is an independent logistics systems consulting firm founded in 1990. Logistics Consultants provide supply chain material handling, distribution and warehouse logistics consultancy services to companies wishing to increase their competitive advantage and improve their warehouse and distribution centers through advanced logistics.

Links to logistics consulting partners, material handling, warehouse
distribution and supply chain, resources

Professional, Trade, and Government Organizations

APMHC – Association of Professional Material Handling Consultants
MHIA – The Material Handling Institute of America
WERC – The Warehouse Education and Research Council
CLM – The Council Of Logistics Management
IIE – The Institute of Industrial Engineers
SME – Society of Manufacturing Engineers
APICS – The Educational Society for Resource Management
AIM – Association for the Automatic Identification and Data Capture Industry
CEMANET – The Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers Association
ITA – The Industrial Truck Association
NWPCA – National Wooden Pallet and Container Association
NEMA – National Electrical Manufactures Association
NFPA – National Fire Protection Association
BLS – Bureau of Labor Statistics – US Department of Labor
OSHA – Occupational Safety and Health Administration

Logistics and Business Publications – Internet Resources

Distribution Center Management
Food Logistics
Inbound Logistics

Managing Automation
Materials Management and Distribution
Modern Materials Handling
Packaging Digest
Plant Engineering
Supply Chain Knowledge Base
Supply Chain Management Review
Warehouse Management and Control Systems